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June 30, 2010



Punt 5 maakte ik mee in Londen, maar die man was haaemell verminkt en verbrand in zijn gezicht, had geen werk, etc. Dus ik had hem 2 pond gegeven, ik kon wel huilen, zo zielig zag die man eruit. En later nog een Ajaxfan in Londen! die had geen benen en die had dus ook geen werk. Hij had een broodmager hondje bij hem, dus die heb ik ook 5 pond gegeven! Maar in de Nederlandse trein? Nog nooit gezien!


In helping you to unsndrtaed how to help us .. since you have stated elsewhere that it is difficult to find a sympathetic lawyer, then we are to represent ourselves in the civil suit? That is very unknown territory to me as much as I have been studying this subject, I have no idea how to make that my own, as you say.Except to watch and study your example. How long do you have to wait for your case date? And what complications would there be for me with co-signers? I assume their credit would take a hit also? (you got me mixed up with Marty)

Richard Ingate

Another Robert Chance book! Fantastic, Steve !

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