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January 20, 2011



Elvis played Vancouver BC 11 years befroe i was born, so no hope of seeing him and sadly, RCA didn't seem to record his concerts in the early days.I am content with bootlegs that have clips from the Vancouver show, thanks to a local DJ Red Robinson, who recorded the show and was likely the first to have have introduced both Elvis (57) and The Beatles (64) on stage.


It wasunreal emevytire he took a step people wanted his picture.I couldn't believe it and I was there. It was such a trip!!!!!!!! It was something he'll never forget, I just hope he goes on with it.


Wonder why it is that when someone starts out passive but breaks through to awesome living we are wildly impressed but when someone is already awesome and falls into passivity we feel like we've lost something.

Elvis was the king. He opened up a new kingdom of rock. That was his gift and it's how I remember him.

Bryan Bayer

Wow... never really knew the story of Elvis, or seen it through this lens of comfort & approval-seeking before... spot on.

I like how you described how he was in the early years -- the question I ask myself and our guys around any behavior, is

"Are you looking to IMpress, or to EXpress?" Haven't closely watched the videos of him, but sounds like he was coming from such an authentic place of EXpression at that early age...

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