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September 19, 2012



Dobson, I actually used the brnignig the car in to the mechanic analogy with my first shrink. I was very upset at having come to see him for two years and not being cured yet. I didn't give a damn why my car, or my mind, wasn't working the way it was supposed to; I just wanted it fixed.Unfortunately, I've learned that I need to figure out what's wrong with my own mind and fix it myself, because those word-tools don't really work, except to help you figure out what kind of mind-tools you need to use on yourself.


Having worked at a meantl health center I completely understand meantl health professionals' need to be paid in a timely manner. I had the unfortunate job of making the insurance companies pay and when they wouldn't I had to make sure the clients did. I was everyone's bad guy. If you were a therapist/psychiatrist I made you sign paperwork and sometimes talk to insurance companies. If you were a client I made you sign paperwork and pay money. Too much fun. But I digress.I don't understand why so many people expect those in helping professions to be godlike in their chosen vocation. Just because they're helping people doesn't mean they don't need to eat and have a place to live. And, occasionally, have fun. In fact, I would say that those in the helping professions would be incapable of doing good work if they did not take care of themselves as well as their clients' needs. Frankly, I would rather have a well-paid, happy shrink than an underpaid stressed one any day of the week.


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Cy Garrick

Great post Steve. I am really looking forward to reading Wealth Warrior. If money is an exchange for service rendered I wonder how do we measure the service of people like Mother Teresa and Gandhi? Could it be the level of their fulfillment?

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